Um jovem Dexter Morgan se transforma em um serial killer vingativo.
Um jovem Dexter Morgan se transforma em um serial killer vingativo.
Harbin’deki Kore bağımsızlık aktivistleri, ülkelerinin bağımsızlığını kazanmak amacıyla Japonlara karşı cesur bir saldırı başlattı.
Amid the stark discord of twin cities Piltover and Zaun, two sisters fight on rival sides of a war between magic technologies and clashing convictions.. Check out our list of renewals and cancellations to see if your favorite show made the cut.. Fortiche Productions made a music video named "Get Jinxed" for Riot in 2013. Riot was so impressed with the work that they asked Fortiche to make an animated series, which took them several years to create.
After the release of season one, Riot announced that there will be a second season and that it will take less time to produce.. Featured in AniMat's Crazy Cartoon Cast: Geeked Week for Freaks (2021). EnemyWritten by Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, Ben McKee, Daniel Platzman, Robin Fredriksson, Mattias Larsson, Justin Tranter, J.I.D. Here's to the new us.League of Legends (LoL)' first project in expanding its own cinematic universe is done.
The story between sisters, rich and poor, loyalty and betrayal, peace and war, and everything in between.There’s a common saying that LoL’s big budget went into animation instead of balancing the champions in game, and this couldn’t be more right. After each episode, they found more ways to wow audiences with amazing visuals and transitions. The fighting scenes were hard-hitting and jaw-dropping.Even though the series wasn’t fully canon to the original lore, it’s still an intense story that set up an interesting universe. Not gonna lie, the first act didn’t impress me too much, but episode 4 afterward got me completely on board.
My only problem with the story was that I just couldn’t get enough of it. I want more and I don’t like waiting.Just as cool as the animation was the characters. Many character dynamics fascinated me and made me realize how much I needed them. I’ll admit that some characters were straightforward, but not all of them were predictable.
The directions for all characters were incredible.Overall, even though the game was a love-hate relationship, Arcane was for sure all love, and a phenomenal step in setting up LOLCU. 8.5/10..
The Jackal is an elusive assassin who makes his living by carrying out high-paying escapes. He soon meets his match in the form of a dogged British intelligence officer who tracks him down on a thrilling cat-and-mouse chase across Europe. Check out our list of renewals and cancellations to see if your favorite show has made it.
When it ended, he returned to the UK, unemployed and unsure of what to do next. No chance of a job, no flat, no car and no savings. Then I had this crazy, crazy idea to write a novel.
‘Everyone said you must be joking or crazy because the chances of this getting published are hundreds to one, even thousands.’ Within weeks of its release, the rights to the film were withdrawn. Some of Hollywood’s biggest stars were in the running to play the Jackal in the 1973 film, but the role went to a then-unknown Edward Fox because director Fred Zinnemann thought he could blend in with the crowd. (airmail).
While Day of the Jackal boasts a stellar cast and Eddie Redmayne gives a chilling performance as the Jackal, the series falls flat with Lashana Lynch in the lead role. Her portrayal lacks the gravitas and charisma needed to anchor such a high-stakes story, often feeling out of place with the suspenseful plot. The cinematography and pacing are commendable, but Lynch’s miscasting hinders the show’s potential to be truly engaging.
O ano é 2073, e os piores medos da vida moderna se tornaram realidade. Drones de vigilância preenchem os céus laranja queimados, policiais militarizados vagam pelas ruas devastadas, e sobreviventes se escondem no subsolo, tentando se lembrar de uma existência livre e esperançosa. Nesta brilhante mistura de ficção científica e ficção especulativa…
Blumhouse ve vizyon sahibi yazar/yönetmen Lee Whannell’den, ruh ürpertici modern canavar hikayesi The Invisible Man’in yaratıcıları, korkunç yeni bir kurt adam kabusu geliyor: The Wolf Man
Altın Küre Ödülü adayı Christopher Abbott (“Poor Faces”, “It Comes at Night”), kendi babası ortadan kaybolduktan ve öldüğü düşünüldükten sonra kırsal Oregon’daki ücra çocukluk evini miras alan San Francisco’lu bir koca ve baba olan Blake rolünde.
Güçlü karısı Charlotte’la (Emmy Ödülü sahibi Julia Garner; Ozark, Making Up for Anna) evliliği dağılırken, Blake Charlotte’u şehirden bir mola vermeye ve küçük kızları Ginger’la (Mathlida Firth; Hallraisers, ” Coma”) birlikte çiftliği ziyaret etmeye ikna eder.
Charlotte ise evlerinin içindeki dehşetin dışarıdaki tehlikeden daha ölümcül olup olmadığına karar vermek zorundadır.
Ingrid (Julianne Moore) and Martha (Tilda Swinton) were close friends in their youth when they worked together at the same magazine. Ingrid became a self-fiction writer, while Martha became a war reporter, and life circumstances separated them. After years of contact, they meet again in an extreme…
Es entsteht eine Welt voller noch tieferer Intrigen und Täuschungen, in der die Charaktere ihre eigenen Kämpfe ausfechten, während sie sich existenziellen Bedrohungen für die Nation und die Welt stellen müssen. Von X-Men: Erste Entscheidung und „Der Akolyth“ bis hin zu The Cotton Club – sehen Sie sich die Fernseh- und Filmrollen der „The Agency“-Stars Michael Fassbender, Jodie Turner-Smith, Richard Gere und anderen an. Ein Polizist wird durch die Verwendung des Akronyms MICE zum Agenten (oder Informanten oder vertraulichen Informanten), das für Folgendes steht: GeldIdeologieKompromiss (auch bekannt als Erpressung)Ego. Blake wird das Akronym „OBE“ fälschlicherweise als „Overtaken By Events“ (von Ereignissen überwältigt) erklärt.
In US-Regierungsbehörden, einschließlich der Geheimdienste und des Verteidigungsministeriums, lautet die korrekte/offizielle Erklärung des Akronyms „OBE“ „Overcome By Events“ (von Ereignissen überwältigt). Im Vorspann sind Charaktere und Szenen aus der Serie zu sehen, die mit Spiegeltafeln durchsetzt sind. Der ehemalige Leiter der Spionageabwehr der CIA, James Jesus Angleton, auch bekannt als der „Spionagedichter“, beschrieb das Spiel der Geheimdienste als „Wildnis der Spiegel“, eine Phrase, die einem Gedicht von T.S. Eliot mit dem Titel Gerontion entlehnt ist (der Titel ist griechisch für „kleiner alter Mann“, und das Gedicht ist ein innerer Monolog, der die Meinungen und Eindrücke eines älteren Mannes wiedergibt und Europa nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg aus der Sicht eines Mannes beschreibt, der den Großteil seines Lebens im 19.
In der Welt der Geheimdienste ist es auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit schwierig, die Realität von ihrer Reflexion zu unterscheiden, eine Illusion, wenn man so will, als ob man sich in einem „Spiegelsaal“ befände. In der Graham Norton Show: Cher/Keira Knightley/Michael Fassbender/Josh Brolin/Jalen Ngonda (2024). Für alle, die Katz-und-Maus-Spiele in der Spionagewelt mögen, ist The Agency genau das Richtige. Es ist nicht die beste Spionageserie, die ich je gesehen habe, aber sie ist definitiv sehenswert.
Wenn man Richard Gere und Katherine Waterston hinzunimmt, hat man eine der talentiertesten Besetzungen im Fernsehen. Die Serie fängt für manche vielleicht langsam an, aber bleiben Sie dran, denn sie nimmt Fahrt auf. Sie braucht einfach ihre Zeit, um ihre Welt und ihre Charaktere aufzubauen, aber wenn Sie nicht die Geduld für langsame, gut erzählte Serien haben, dann ist das nichts für Sie. The Agency zeigt hervorragend, welche Kosten und Opfer man mit dieser Arbeit verbunden hat.
Depois que um experimento ultrassecreto dá errado, um predador superinteligente e invisível escapa do laboratório e começa a causar estragos na vizinhança. Quando a identidade da criatura é revelada, logo fica claro que o paleontólogo desgraçado, junto com sua ex-namorada, um segurança de parque de diversões e um famoso criador de galinhas local, são a única esperança da cidade de sobreviver à fúria do predador.
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la única unidad de color del Cuerpo de Mujeres del Ejército de EE. UU. estacionada en el extranjero asume una misión imposible en el drama de Tyler Perry basado en una historia real.